Dapsone does not significantly affect pharmacokinetics of aspirin
Clinical evidence,mechanism, importance and management
A comparison of pharmacokinetics of aspirin in 8 healthy subjects and 8 patients with uncomplicated lepromatous leprosy found that pharmacokinetics of a single 600mg dose of aspirin was not affected by either leprosy, or by treatment with dapsone 100mg daily for 8 days (See reference number 1). No special precautions would seem likely to be needed on concurrent use.
1. Garg SK,Kumar B, Shukla VK, Bakaya V, Lal R, Kaur S. Pharmacokinetics of aspirin andchloramphenicol in normal and leprotic patients before and after dapsone therapy. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol (1988) 26, 204–5.